Welcome to NimPyLib 0.9.5
Nim Pylib
Just write Python code in Nim!
import pylib
The mostly suggested style is
import pkg/pylib
However, omitting the pkg/ prefix shall be fine at most cases:
import pylib
import Python-like stdlib
Cheatsheet for rough alternative between pylib and Python
Nim pylib | Python |
from pylib/Lib/LIB import nil | import LIB |
import pylib/Lib/LIB | from LIB import * |
from pylib/Lib/LIB import XXX | import LIB; from LIB import XXX |
Wondering how many libs are available in NimPylib?
Here are the Lib Docs.
std/lenientops was imported automatically. Compile with -d:pylibNoLenient to disable it if you wish to do int->float conversions yourself