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The implementation uses Horner's rule for more efficient computation.


func p1evl[F](x: F; coef: openArray[F]; N = coef.high - 1): F
Evaluate polynomial when coefficient of x is 1.0. Otherwise same as polevl. Source   Edit  
func polevl[F](x: F; coef: openArray[F]; N = coef.high): F
  Evaluates polynomial of degree N:
                      2          N
  y  =  C  + C x + C x  +...+ C x
         0    1     2          N
  Coefficients are stored in reverse order:
  coef[0] = C  , ..., coef[N] = C  .
              N                   0
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macro polExpd[F](x: F; coef: untyped): F

expand polynomial with coef literal as inline expression.

coef shall be literal of a serials of F surrounded by brackets, curly braces or paratheses


assert 1.0*3.0+2.0 == polExpd(1.0, (3.0, 2.0))
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macro polExpd0[F](x: F; rcoef: untyped): F
the same as polExpd except that rcoef is reversed: rcoef[0] is the C_0 constant (a.k.a. muliplied by x^0) Source   Edit