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Python's list with its methods and sorted buitin

LIMIT: slice literal is not supported. ls[1:3] has to be rewritten as ls[1..2]


func `*`[T](n: Natural; ls: PyList[T]): PyList[T]
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func `*=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; n: int)
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func `+`[T](self: PyList[T]; x: openArray[T]): PyList[T]
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func `+=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; ls: openArray[T])
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func `+=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; ls: PyList[T])
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func `[]`[T](self: PyList[T]; idx: int): T
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func `[]`[T](self: PyList[T]; s: BackwardsIndex): T
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func `[]`[T](self: PyList[T]; s: HSlice): PyList[T]
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func `[]`[T](self: PyList[T]; s: PySlice): PyList[T]
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func `[]=`[T](ms: var PyList[T]; indices: Slice[int]; o: Sequence[T])
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; idx: int; x: T)
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; s: BackwardsIndex; x: T)
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; s: HSlice; x: Iterable[T])
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; s: HSlice; x: openArray[T])
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; s: HSlice; x: PyList[T])
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; s: PySlice;
              x: not Sequence[T] and Iterable[T])
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func `[]=`[T](self: var PyList[T]; s: PySlice; x: Sequence[T])
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func append[T](self: var PyList[T]; x: T)
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func clear(self: var PyList)
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func delitem(ms: var PyList; indices: PySlice)
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func delitem(ms: var PyList; indices: Slice[int])
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func delitem(self: var PyList; idx: int)
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func extend[T](self: var PyList[T]; ls: openArray[T])
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func insert[T](self: var PyList[T]; idx: int; x: T)
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func list[T](): PyList[T]


assert len(list[int]()) == 0
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func list[T](a: sink openArray[T]): PyList[T]
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proc list[T](iter: Iterable[T]): PyList[T]
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func list[T](x: sink seq[T]): PyList[T]
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func pop[T](self: var PyList[T]): T {.discardable.}
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func pop[T](self: var PyList[T]; index: int): T {.discardable.}
index can be negative to index backwards. Source   Edit  
func repr(ls: PyList[char]): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func reverse(self: var PyList)
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proc sort[T, K](self: var PyList[T]; key: proc (x: T): K; reverse = false)
list.sort(key, reverse=False) Source   Edit  
func sort[T](self: var PyList[T]; reverse = false)
list.sort(reverse=False) Source   Edit  
func sorted[T, K](x: not Sequence[T] and Iterable[T]; key: proc (x: T): K;
                  reverse = false): PyList[T]
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func sorted[T, K](x: Sequence[T]; key: proc (x: T): K; reverse = false): PyList[
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func sorted[T](self: PyList[T]; reverse = false): PyList[T]
sorted(list, reverse=False) Source   Edit  


converter nimArrayAsList[T; I](arr: array[I, T]): PyList[T]
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template `$`[T](ls: PyList[T]): string

The same as repr for PyList

NOTE: CPython's list's __str__ is itself not defined, which is inherted from object, which will call obj.__repr__ as fallback. This minics it.

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template `*`[T](ls: PyList[T]; n: Natural): PyList[T]
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template `+`[T](self: var PyList[T]; x: PyList[T]): PyList[T]
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template extend[T](self: var PyList[T]; ls: Iterable[T])
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template len(self: PyList): int
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template repr[T](ls: PyList[T]): string
mixin func repr(T): string Source   Edit