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Deprecated: long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)

TODO: later may allow to switch to bigints when compile


template long(a: bool): int {....deprecated: """long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, 
currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)""".}
Deprecated: long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)
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template long(a: char): BiggestInt {....deprecated: """long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, 
currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)""".}
Deprecated: long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)
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template long(a: string): BiggestInt {....deprecated: """long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, 
currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)""".}
Deprecated: long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)
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template long[T: SomeNumber](a: T): BiggestInt {....deprecated: """long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, 
currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)""".}
Deprecated: long(a.k.a. PyLong) is not supported, currently it's just a alias of BiggestInt (e.g. int64 on 64bit system)
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