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Hint: considering unicode array is deprecated since Python3.3, and will be removed in Python3.16, it's not implemented
Hint: since python3.13, 'w' (Py_UCS4) array is introduced. here we use Rune in std/unicode as its item type.
XXX: the extend is used by array(c, ls), And Py_UCS4-array's extend is not generic, so it must be placed before array proc


HasReadNRetBytesLike = concept self is BytesLike
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HasWriteBytesLike = concept self
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Py_UCS4 = Rune
inner Source   Edit  
PyArray[T] = distinct PyList[T]
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SomeChar = char | cschar | cuchar
In C, char, unsigned char, signed char are three distinct types, that's, char is either signed or unsigned, which is implementation-dependent, unlike other integer types, e.g. int is alias of signed int Source   Edit  


typecodes = "bBuwhHiIlLqQfd"
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func `$`(arr: PyArray[Py_UCS4]): string {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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func `$`[T](arr: PyArray[T]): string {.inline.}
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func `<`[A, B](arr: PyArray[A]; other: PyArray[B]): bool {.inline.}
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func `<=`[A, B](arr: PyArray[A]; other: PyArray[B]): bool {.inline.}
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func `==`[A, B](arr: PyArray[A]; other: PyArray[B]): bool {.inline.}
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func `@`[T](arr: PyArray[T]): seq[T] {.inline.}
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func `[]=`(self: var PyArray[Py_UCS4]; i: int): PyStr {.inline, ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func `[]=`(self: var PyArray[Py_UCS4]; i: int; v: char) {.inline, ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}


from std/unicode import Rune
var a = array('w', "123")
a[0] = Rune(65)
a[1] = '3'
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func `[]=`(self: var PyArray[Py_UCS4]; i: int; v: string) {.inline,
    ...raises: [TypeError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func `[]=`[T](ms: var PyArray[T]; indices: Slice[int]; o: Sequence[T])
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func append(self: var PyArray[Py_UCS4]; s: PyStr) {.inline, ...raises: [TypeError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func buffer_info[T](arr: PyArray[T]): tuple[address: int, length: int]
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func byteswap[T](arr: var PyArray[T])


Currently only compilable for c_* types, a.k.a. not for Nim's int*, e.g. int16

Hint: trial of using this method on PyArray[int*] may lead to compile-error of C compiler.


when sizeof(cshort) == 2:
  var arr = array('h', [1, 2])
  assert arr[0] == 256, $arr[0]  # int from \x01\x00
  assert arr[1] == 512, $arr[1]
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func delitem(ms: var PyArray; indices: PySlice)
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func delitem(ms: var PyArray; indices: Slice[int])
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func extend(self: var PyArray[Py_UCS4]; s: PyStr) {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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func frombytes[C: SomeChar](arr: var PyArray[C]; buffer: BytesLike)
append byte from buffer to arr Source   Edit  
func frombytes[T: not SomeChar](arr: var PyArray[T]; buffer: BytesLike)
append byte from buffer to arr


when sizeof(cshort) == 2:
  var h = array('h', [1, 2])
  when cpuEndian == littleEndian:
    assert h[2] == 5
    assert h[2] == 1280
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func fromfile[T](arr: var PyArray[T]; f: File; n: int)
This variant is optimitized for Nim's File Source   Edit  
func fromfile[T](self: var PyArray[T]; f: HasReadNRetBytesLike; n: int)
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func fromlist[T](arr: var PyArray[T]; ls: PyList[T])
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func fromunicode(self: var PyArray[Py_UCS4]; s: PyStr) {.inline, ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Note: as PyArray here is static-typed, unlike CPython's, no ValueError will be raised
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func getPtr[T](arr: sink PyArray[T]; i: Natural | BackwardsIndex): ptr T {.
EXT. unstable. Source   Edit  
func len[T](arr: PyArray[T]): int
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func newPyArray[T](len = 0): PyArray[T] {.inline.}
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func newPyArray[T](x: Iterable[T]): PyArray[T] {.inline.}
unlike array, when x is a literal, type conversion is always needed.


discard newPyArray[cint]([1.cint, 2])
# or write: array('i', [1, 2])
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func newPyArrayOfCap[T](cap: int): PyArray[T] {.inline.}
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func repr[T](arr: PyArray[T]): string
alias for $arr Source   Edit  
func setLen[T](arr: var PyArray[T]; n: int)
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func tobytes[C: SomeChar](arr: PyArray[C]): PyBytes
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func tobytes[T: not SomeChar](arr: PyArray[T]): PyBytes
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func tofile[T](arr: var PyArray[T]; f: File)
This variant is optimitized for Nim's File Source   Edit  
func tofile[T](self: PyArray[T]; f: HasWriteBytesLike)
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func tolist[T](arr: PyArray[T]): PyList[T]
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func tolist[T](arr: var PyArray[T]): var PyList[T]
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func tounicode(arr: PyArray[Py_UCS4]): PyStr {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
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iterator items[T](arr: PyArray[T]): T
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iterator mitems[T](arr: var PyArray[T]): var T


var arr = array('i', [1, 2])
for i in arr.mitems:
  i *= 2
assert arr == array('i', [2, 4])
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macro array(typecode: static[char]): PyArray


var a = array('i')
assert a.typecode == 'i'
assert len(a) == 0
assert a.len == 1 and a[0] == 3
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macro array(typecode: static[char]; initializer: typed): PyArray

bytes or bytearray, a Unicode string, or iterable over elements of the appropriate type.

initializer can be a bracket stmt, no need to manually add type convert, see examples


assert array('i', [1, 2])[1] == c_int(2)
assert array('b', b"123")[2] == c_schar('3')
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template `*=`[T](arr: PyArray[T]; n: int)
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template `+=`[T](arr: PyArray[T]; x: untyped)
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template `[]`[T](arr: PyArray[T]; i: int): T
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template `[]=`[T](arr: PyArray[T]; i: int; val: T)
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template append[T](arr: PyArray[T]; x: T)
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template clear[T](arr: PyArray[T])
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template contains[T](arr: PyArray[T]; x: T): bool
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template delitem[T](arr: PyArray[T]; n: int)
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template extend[T](arr: PyArray[T]; x: untyped)
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template insert[T](arr: PyArray[T]; x: T)
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template items[T](arr: PyArray[T]): untyped
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template itemsize[T](arr: PyArray[T]): int
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template pop[T](arr: PyArray[T])
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template pop[T](arr: PyArray[T]; i: int)
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template remove[T](arr: PyArray[T]; x: T)
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template reverse[T](arr: PyArray[T])
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cdouble]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cfloat]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cint]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[clong]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[clonglong]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cschar]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cshort]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cuchar]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cuint]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[culong]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[culonglong]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[cushort]): char
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template typecode(_: PyArray[Py_UCS4]): char
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