time for Nim
the only difference with Python's is where some types in time is str, there is string in n_time's.
e.g. n_time.ctime() returns a string
py diff
Currently, tm_name is either "LOCAL" or "Etc/UTC", due to std/times only returning those two.
DefaultTimeFormat = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
- Source Edit
func asctime(t: struct_time): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func asctime(tup: struct_time_tuple): typeof(asctime do: bind struct_time struct_time(tm_year: 1900, tm_mon: 1, tm_mday: 1, tm_yday: 1, tm_isdst: -1)) {. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func asctime(tup: struct_time_tuple10): typeof(asctime do: bind struct_time struct_time(tm_year: 1900, tm_mon: 1, tm_mday: 1, tm_yday: 1, tm_isdst: -1)) {. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- Source Edit
func asctime(tup: struct_time_tuple11): typeof(asctime do: bind struct_time struct_time(tm_year: 1900, tm_mon: 1, tm_mday: 1, tm_yday: 1, tm_isdst: -1)) {. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc strptime(s: string): struct_time {....raises: [ValueError, TimeParseError, TimeFormatParseError], tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
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