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builtins.complex and its operators/methods.

Use toNimComplex and pycomplex to convert between PyComplex and Complex


import src/pylib/builtins/complex
assert complex(1, 3) == complex("1.0+3.0J")

# complex only stores floats, not int,
# just as Python's
assert not (type(complex(1, 2).real) is int)


PyComplex = PyTComplex[float]
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PyTComplex[T] = distinct Complex[T]
generics version of PyComplex Source   Edit  


func `$`(z: PyTComplex): string
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func `'j`(s: static string): PyComplex

1+3'j or 1+3'J

NOTE: Nim disallows custom suffixes without '. Therefore, something like 1+3j is not not allowed. Consider using complex instead.


assert 1+3'j == 1.0+3.0'J
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func `**=`[T](self: var PyTComplex[T]; x: ComplexPowSecondParamType[T])
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func abs[T](z: PyTComplex[T]): T
builtins.abs for complex Source   Edit  
func complex(s: string): PyComplex {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
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func complex[T: SomeFloat](real: T = 0.0; imag: T = 0.0): PyTComplex[T]
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func complex[T: SomeInteger](real: T = 0; imag: T = 0): PyComplex
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func conjugate[T](z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
complex.conjugate() Source   Edit  
func repr(z: PyTComplex): string
Returns bj/(a+bj)/(a-bj) for complex(a, b)


assert repr(complex(0.0, 3.0)) == "3j"  # not "(0+3j)", as in Python
assert repr(complex(-0.0, 3.0)) == "(-0+3j)" # not "3j", as in Python

assert repr(complex(1.0, 2.0)) == "(1+2j)"  # '.0' is removed as Python's
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template `*`(a, b: PyTComplex): PyTComplex
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template `*`[I: SomeInteger; T](a: I; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `*`[I: SomeInteger; T](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: I): PyTComplex[T]
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template `*`[T: SomeFloat](a: T; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `*`[T: SomeFloat](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: T): PyTComplex[T]
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template `**`[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: ComplexPowSecondParamType[T]): PyTComplex[
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template `**`[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: int): PyTComplex[T]
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template `**`[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: PyComplex): PyTComplex[T]
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template `*=`(a, b: PyTComplex): untyped
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template `+`(a, b: PyTComplex): PyTComplex
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template `+`[I: SomeInteger; T](a: I; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `+`[I: SomeInteger; T](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: I): PyTComplex[T]
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template `+`[T: SomeFloat](a: T; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `+`[T: SomeFloat](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: T): PyTComplex[T]
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template `+=`(a, b: PyTComplex): untyped
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template `-`(a, b: PyTComplex): PyTComplex
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template `-`[I: SomeInteger; T](a: I; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `-`[I: SomeInteger; T](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: I): PyTComplex[T]
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template `-`[T: SomeFloat](a: T; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `-`[T: SomeFloat](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: T): PyTComplex[T]
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template `-=`(a, b: PyTComplex): untyped
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template `/`(a, b: PyTComplex): PyTComplex
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template `/`[I: SomeInteger; T](a: I; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `/`[I: SomeInteger; T](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: I): PyTComplex[T]
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template `/`[T: SomeFloat](a: T; z: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template `/`[T: SomeFloat](z: PyTComplex[T]; a: T): PyTComplex[T]
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template `/=`(a, b: PyTComplex): untyped
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template `==`(a, b: PyTComplex): untyped
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template complex(real, imag: HasFloat): PyComplex
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template complex(real, imag: HasIndex): PyComplex
Admonition: since Python 3.8
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template imag[T](z: PyTComplex[T]): T
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template imag=[T](z: PyTComplex[T]; _: T) {.
    error: "AttributeError: readonly attribute".}
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template pow[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: ComplexPowSecondParamType[T];
                _: NoneType): PyTComplex[T]
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template pow[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: int): PyTComplex[T]
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template pow[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: PyTComplex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
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template pow[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: static Natural): PyTComplex[T]
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template pow[T](self: PyTComplex[T]; x: T): PyTComplex[T]
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template pycomplex[T](re: T; im = T(0)): PyTComplex[T]
alias of complex. Useful when import both std/complex and pylib Source   Edit  
template pycomplex[T](z: Complex[T]): PyTComplex[T]
Convert Nim's Complex in std/complex to PyTComplex Source   Edit  
template real[T](z: PyTComplex[T]): T
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template real=[T](z: PyTComplex[T]; _: T) {.
    error: "AttributeError: readonly attribute".}
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template toNimComplex[T](z: PyTComplex[T]): Complex[T]
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